UPDATES: Rockcliffe Airbase Redevelopment
The RHPOA Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place last Thursday, May 2 at the Gloucester North Library meeting rooms. Our guest speaker was Don Schultz, Project Manager for Canada Lands Company, who presented three current site design options
to demonstrate the project team's efforts to date, and to illustrate how concepts were emerging.
The presentation of three alternative design schemes is being used as a mechanism to solicit public feedback regarding the likes and dislikes for each option. Public comments will then be used, we are told, to help determine a community design plan.
Don Schultz responded to questions from attendees after his presentation. Several of the answers are indicated below:
1. Road access into the new community will be from Montreal Rd (2 access roads), St. Laurent Blvd (1 access road), and possibly from the Eastern Parkway (requiring NCC approval). No access is planned from Blair Rd north of Montreal Rd;
2. The percentageof green space on the site may be 25-30% of land area, including areas for protecting escarpment, views, significant clusters of trees, as well as managing storm water, providing parks, bicycle/pedestrian paths and linked greenways; and
3. The number of units planned for the site remains in flux – the potential maximum number of units is 6,000 but a lower number was suggested as possible. An intention to determine the planned population based on several site constraints, including transit and transportation limitations, was indicated.
You can learn more about the design team’s ideas by attending an Open House to be held on 25 May at the Hampton Inn on Coventry Road. If you want to participate in the workshop, please pre-register at www.clcrockcliffe.ca and click on “News”, then “RSVP”. The workshops will require at least a half-day commitment, but they promise to involve an interesting stage in the creative thinking of community design.