RHPOA Meeting with NRC | June 2019

June 30, 2019

Representatives of the RHPOA meet twice a year with senior staff of the National Research Council (NRC) for updates on activities at the Montreal Road campus, and to discuss matters of potential concern to area residents.

The following matters were discussed at our most recent meeting on June 27, 2019.

• The new Synthetic Fuels facility was fully commissioned in September 2018. The facility is smaller than originally proposed and is designed for the use of hydrogen. There are currently no plans to conduct testing activities at the new facility.

• Complaints about late-night noise relating to snow removal activities on the NRC campus were discussed.  Contractors will be instructed to work earlier in the day whenever possible.

• The NRC committed to improving its response time to complaints sent on evenings and weekends to the NRC's community email.

• NRC provided an update on the Montreal Road campus sewer separation project, which involved some blasting. NRC’s blasting activity is now completed. Blasting at the Wateridge construction site occurred during the same period and is expected to continue throughout 2019.

• Hydro One continues with making upgrades to the NRC’s transformer station. Completion is anticipated by August.

As part of the federal government’s initiative in science and innovation, NRC also described four new Challenge Programs they are developing across Canada: AI-assisted design, cell and gene therapies, faster digital networks for rural and remote communities, and development of new materials to be used in energy production. CLICK HERE for more information.

Notice of upcoming activities and testing schedules at the Montreal Road campus continue to be posted on the NRC website at:


We encourage any residents with questions or concerns to contact NRC directly by email at  community@nrc.gc.ca  and to cc the RHPOA at   info@rhpoa.ca .





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