RHPOA Meeting with NRC | February 2020

February 28, 2020

Representatives of the RHPOA meet twice a year with senior staff of the National Research Council (NRC) for updates on activities at the Montreal Road campus, and to discuss matters of potential concern to area residents.

The following matters were discussed at our meeting on 19 February 2020.

• Two representatives from Canada Lands Company (CLC) gave a presentation on the Wateridge Village development. Over the last 6 months, several area residents have reported vibrations from blasting activities on the Waterridge site.  We asked that the RHPOA be informed when blasting activities are next planned.

• NRC has received six noise complaints from RH residents since June 2019. Only one was found to be directly attributable to NRC.

• NRC reported that engine testing activities are prescreened to evaluate and manage any risks for disturbance. Engine testing does, however, sometimes extends into the evening hours, to the extent permitted by the City of Ottawa Noise Bylaws.

Your feedback on noise or odours is key to improving NRC’s monitoring and mitigation measures. We therefore encourage any residents experiencing disturbance from activities at the Montreal Road campus to contact NRC directly by email at  community@nrc.gc.ca  and to copy the RHPOA at   info@rhpoa.ca .

The NRC mailbox is monitored on evenings and weekends. Urgent issues will be escalated as required.


Notice of upcoming activities and testing schedules at the Montreal Road campus is available on the NRC Community website at:




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