Proposed: Townhouses and Apartment Building at 1765 Montreal Road

View from Beckenham Lane. Rendering: Novatech
The RHPOA has learned of an early-stage development being planned for adjacent residential lots at 1765 Montreal Road and 9 Beckenham Lane.
A 9-storey apartment building with 159 units is proposed along Montreal Road, with a projection of 4 to 6-storeys extending north on the building's west side. Parking and garbage facilities would be underground.
Two 3-storey, stacked townhouse blocks are proposed for the north side of the Beckenham Lane property, each with 12 units. Ground-level parking would be located between the townhouses and the apartment building.
Vehicle entrances would be located on Montreal Road and Beckenham Lane.
A total of 215 parking spaces are proposed. This represents 85% of the parking space required for such a development, as per Section 101 and 102 of the current Official Plan.
When presenting their ideas to a group of interested residents in December, the Project Team indicated their goal to retain trees along the north property boundary, to improve separation between the townhouses and neighbours to the north. They also expressed the view that there would be little traffic infiltration through the surrounding neighbourhood because of the development's direct access to Montreal Road.
Preliminary comments were invited on the proposed plans.
The RHPOA requested comments from residents and submitted them to the Project Team. While reaction was generally positive, concerns were expressed about the limited amount of parking proposed for a development of this size — inadequate in an area assessed as "Low Walkability" and with limited public transit. Concerns for anticipated increases in neighbourhood traffic were also expressed.
This proposal is at the Pre-Application stage, and has not yet been formally submitted to the City. Accordingly, detailed information is not yet publicly available on the City’s DevApps site.
The RHPOA will monitor the progress of the project, and post new information on the website when it becomes available.