Proposed Severance Goes to Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)

January 6, 2023

The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) will conduct a Hearing regarding the proposed severance of 41 Rebecca Crescent, a property located at the corner of Combermere Lane, on Thursday, 26 January beginning at 10am. The Hearing will take place by Video Conference.

The OLT Hearing is based on a local resident's appeal of a Committee of Adjustment (COFA) decision to approve severance of the corner lot into two residential lots for single family homes, and grant a minor variance to permit both driveways to be located on Rebecca Crescent. More information about the Hearing can be found HERE.

At the time of the COFA decision, a considerable number of residents submitted letters indicating their opposition to the proposed redevelopment. The RHPOA also submitted a letter expressing concern for the loss of trees and greenspace which will result from two new residential buildings where there is currently one, with resulting negative impacts on the character of the community. Councillor Tierney also submitted a letter to COFA indicating his support for resident and RHPOA concerns.

The Committee of Adjustment approved the requested severance and the driveway locations, given that the zoning bylaws permit such a severance (under certain conditions) and because allowing both driveways to be placed on Rebecca Crescent will help protect trees along the side of the property facing Combermere Lane. 

Subsequent to the COFA decision, the RHPOA wrote a letter to Councillor Tierney requesting modifications in the zoning bylaw concerning corner lots. The requested changes would be more restrictive on corner lot redevelopment, and would better protect the character of Rothwell Heights. To date, there has been no response to the letter.

The City’s zoning bylaws are in the process of being updated to meet requirements in the new Official Plan. The RHPOA is monitoring the City’s process to change the zoning bylaws.


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