OTTAWA-VANIER Provincial By-Election | February 27, 2020

Residents of OTTAWA-VANIER will go to the polls on Thursday, February 27 to elect a new MPP for the riding.
Registered voters can expect to receive their voter registration cards during the week of February 11. Those wishing to check or update their information on the Voter List can do so online by visiting eRegistration on the Elections Ontario website before the February 17 deadline.
Advance polls are set for February 16 to 21.
The RHPOA will be co-hosting an ALL CANDIDATES MEETING in cooperation with the Beacon Hill Community Association on the evening of Wednesday, February 19 at the Colonel By High School Cafetorium.
CLICK HERE to visit the Event page on our website.
Updated February 13, 2020:
The candidates for Ottawa-Vanier are:
Lucille Collard | Ontario Liberal Party
Myriam Djilane | Ontario NDP
Julia Fiala | Independant
Benjamin Koczwarski | Green Party
Ken Lewis | Libertarian
Patrick Mayangi | PC Party of Ontario
Justin J. O'Donnell | Alliance
Above Znoneofthe | None of the Above Direct Democracy Party
For more information visit .
CLICK HERE to see the English-language Provincial By-Election Debate for Ottawa-Vanier recorded / moderated by Rogers tv on February 8, 2020.
CLICK HERE for the French-language debate, also recorded and moderated by Rogers tv.