No News on Proposed Tower Development at 1649 Montreal Road

Actual context, proposed tower at Montreal and Blair Roads / Image: Google Earth + Rendering by Roderick Lahey Architect Inc.
There's been no further news about the proposed tower development at 1649 Montreal Road since we reported on recommendations of the Urban Design Review Panel (UDRP), which reviewed the developer's proposed plans at its meeting of 10 September 2021.
The UDRP recommended that the applicant consider a mid-rise development as a potential alternative to a 26-storey tower, and a design more compatible with the character of the surrounding area. A mid-rise building is up to 9 storeys in height.
Although recommendations of the UDRP are not binding, a developer typically makes design revisions in response to UDRP recommendations, and submits its revised plans to the City's Planner for continued assessment. As of this writing, the RHPOA has learned of no revised plans or new activity on this file.
With or without revisions, the City's Planning Department will finalize its assessment of the development application when the developer applicant indicates that it wants to proceed. On completion of that assessment, the application would proceed to the City's Planning Committee for its review and recommendation to City Council. City Council would then vote on whether to approve or reject the development.
The RHPOA remains watchful of this file, and ready to inform residents of any news that becomes available. Check the website periodically for updates.