Night Testing at NRC | 2016
We have been informed by National Research Council (NRC) of night-time tests to be performed at the M-46 Wind Tunnel facility, commencing January 18th. The tests will run from 11 PM to 7 AM, Monday to Friday, for a period of ten (10) business days with a possibility of extension to three weeks, as the tests require cold temperatures.
The frequency of the tests is reported to be 2-3 minutes of testing per hour. Noise levels during these brief intervals are anticipated (by NRC) to be “moderate”.
NRC reports that many new noise mitigation measures are now in place at the Wind Tunnel facility, including sound proofing of doors and engine (piping and silencers upgrades), and regular fan maintenance.
Further noise abatement work will be taking place at the M-46 Wind Tunnel facility this winter during normal business hours, including construction of sound abatement walls around the test facility. However, these measures will not be in place in time for the January testing.
For the past several years, RHPOA has pressed NRC to eliminate night-time testing altogether. This notification came to us as a complete surprise.
We at the Association sincerely hope you will not be disturbed by this testing activity. However, if you are disturbed by the noise during this night-time testing activity, please contact us by email or speak with a Board Member. The Association needs your input in order to continue pressing NRC for improved noise mitigation measures.
Please also consider contacting NRC directly with any concerns via their Community mailbox at . Your observations are important contributions to the noise mitigation efforts.
For ongoing information about UPCOMING PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES at NRC that could have an impact on residents, please visit the NRC Community website.