Development Proposed for NE Corner of Blair and Montreal Roads

May 23, 2021

The RHPOA has learned from Councillor Tierney of a 26-storey residential development proposed for the northeast corner of Blair and Montreal Roads, on the combined properties currently identified as 1649 Montreal Road and 741 Blair Road. 

The development application is not yet publicly available.

Once city planners have determined that the application and its associated reports meet the requirements of a complete application, the application and its reports will be posted on the city's DevApps website at . The posting date is currently unknown. (UPDATE June 8: The application documents are now posted and can be viewed at the link.)

Typical application requirements include, or may include, reports relating to site survey, planning rationale and design brief, site plan, elevations, assessment of adequacy of services, as-of-right massing analysis, traffic impact assessment, sun-shadow study, wind study, noise study, and potentially others. We'll know more when the application and these documents become publicly available.

The developer and members of the project team have agreed to participate in a Virtual Public Meeting for Rothwell Heights residents, after the application has been posted.  This meeting, to be hosted by the RHPOA, will provide more information about the proposed development, and will enable residents to pose questions directly to the developer and project team.

For advance notification of this Public Meeting and the opportunity to register, please notify us by email by sending your name and address to

Meanwhile, the RHPOA is considering its options for response to this proposal— and we want to know what you think. Please send your preliminary feedback, comments and concerns to us at

To receive RHPOA updates on this development proposal via e-newsletter, please notify us at


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