Briarcliffe Heritage Conservation District Approved!

February 27, 2013

Designation of the Briarcliffe Heritage Conservation District was approved today by Ottawa City Council.

Creation of the district is "an important milestone in heritage conservation in Canada" according to the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada in a letter sent to City Officials. "The rarity and significance of this unique enclave of 23 modernist homes cannot be understated... Created by Ottawa's most influential, forward-thinking architects and their clients, the district includes some of Canada's most important examples of residential modernism including 19 Kindle Court (Alex Heaton), 1 Kindle Court (Brian Barkham), 16 Briarcliffe Drive (Matthew Stankiewicz) and 11 Briarcliffe Drive (James Strutt)."

"The recently completed Heritage Conservation District Study and Plan rightly describes Briarcliffe as a rare, intact example of the architecture and planning of the Modern Movement" wrote Heritage Canada in its letter of support.

Heritage Ottawa also supported the designation, adding "The City is to be lauded for its progressive action to preserve this important example of mid-20th century design".

Briarcliffe is the first Mid-20th Century Modern Heritage Conservation District to receive approval not only in Ottawa and Ontario, but in all of Canada. Residents sought designation under the Ontario Heritage Act in order to protect the area's unique character.

The Association Executive has been pleased to support this resident driven effort and applauds Briarcliffe's residents who worked together to make this happen. Special thanks are owed to Danielle Jones for her community leadership of the project.

We extend our thanks to Heritage Planner Lesley Collins, Heritage Ottawa, Heritage Canada, The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC), Councillor Tierney and the City of Ottawa for their support of this historic initiative.

For more information, download a copy of the Briarcliffe Heritage Conservation District Study and Plan.


Related Reading:

A Lesson in Zoned Architectural Protection from Ottawa | Globe and Mail, March 14, 2013


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