City of Ottawa Wildlife Speaker Series: LIVING WITH COYOTES
Update | February 25: CLICK HERE to view this event on YouTube.
Speaker: Dr. Stan Gehrt, Ohio State University
Coyotes have adapted to life in cities across North America, often going undetected until their tracks are noticed in the snow. As their presence may cause concern to some residents, it’s important to better understand how we can coexist safely together.
For this 15th session of the Wildlife Speaker Series, the City has invited Dr. Stan Gehrt, Professor of Wildlife Ecology at The Ohio State University, and Chair of the Center for Wildlife Research at the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation, to speak in Ottawa. His research focuses on mammalian ecology, especially urban systems, and he is principal investigator of one of the largest studies of coyotes to date which has been tracking over 1,000 coyotes for the past 20 years in the Chicago area. His research, which has been featured on prominent media outlets including PBS, NBC Nightly News, National Geographic, and the History Channel, has led to many interesting discoveries about how coyotes interact with humans and other animals in different settings.
The event will also feature displays by local organizations. Doors open at 7 pm. Opening remarks and the speaker's presentation begin at 8 pm.
For more information about this and other events in the series, visit the event page on the City of Ottawa website.
As part of the Wildlife Strategy, the City of Ottawa initiated a Wildlife Speaker Series to increase residents' knowledge and appreciation of wildlife, and promote coexistence through understanding and respect. Held twice a year, each event features one or more guest speakers on a seasonally relevant topic, as well as an open house-style environmental exposition.